Green Day

‘Green’ – The colour of Prosperity

Green is everywhere. It’s the most common color in the natural world, and it’s second only to blue as the most common favorite color. It’s the color we associate with money, the environment, and aliens, and it’s the color of revitalization and rebirth.  ‘Green Day’ was organized and celebrated with great eagerness and keenness by the little ones of Preprimary as it the first activity of the new academic session. A scavenger hunt was organized where the children had to identify green objects in their immediate surroundings and it was interesting to note how some of them even referred to objects that couldn’t be seen but the child could associate the colour.  They also identified and named various green fruits, vegetables and trees. The children were engaged in activities like Green Pea Craft, Caterpillar craft and Green Show and Tell. The ingenuity of the children was amazing as they used leaves from nature for the same.